Important information to help you on your journey.
Before your first appointment
Please include blood tests and any brain scans, an up to date list of medications, and any previous psychotropic medication. Dr Graham does not see third-party compensation cases and he does not conduct assessments specifically for ADHD.
Complete self-rated scales
Please complete the psychometric scales that will be sent to you. These will include DASS, SF-36, and WHODAS 2.0. Additional scales may also be provided to you following your initial appointment.
Initial appointment
The initial appointment will be approximately 90 minutes to ensure Dr Graham can take a thorough history and develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
Terms and Conditions
Cancellation policy
We routinely send an appointment confirmation via text or email prior to your appointment, depending upon your preference. We understand that you might not be able to attend the appointment due to urgent reasons. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know with at least 48 hours notice, so that your appointment can be offered to others. Psychiatry appointments are highly sought after due to the significant mental health demand in our community.
Cancellation fees of 50% Consultation cost (Initial consultations and review consultations respectively) will be applied when appointments are cancelled between 24-48 hours notice. A cancellation fee of 100% will be applied when appointments are cancelled with less than 24 hours notice. Cancellation fees cannot be claimed through Medicare.
If you are unable to provide any notice and do not attend scheduled appointments on two occasions, we will require a deposit at your request of rebooking.
Payment policy
Payment is requested at the time of the consultation with your doctor to allow the clinic to run efficiently and maximise your time spent to discuss your care. You will be provided a receipt prior to your departure from the clinic.
We kindly ask you to use digital payment with contactless technology (such as PayPass, PayWave, Apple Pay, Google Pay) or direct debit with PayID. We also partner with AfterPay if you require a payment plan.
If you prefer to pay with cash, please make sure you have exact change as the Clinic deposits all cash at the end of the business day.
Our aim is to focus on your mental health needs while minimising impacts on your daily routine.
Do I need a referral to see Dr Graham?
Yes. As a medical specialist, Dr Graham requires a referral from your GP, which will last for 12 months from your first appointment. A referral from a non-GP specialist will also be accepted, but will only last for 3 months from your first appointment.
Does Dr Graham conduct assessments for ADHD?
Dr Graham does not coduct assessments specifically for ADHD as his focus lies in other areas of mental health. However, a diagnosis of ADHD may be revealed in the natural course of holistic treatment with Dr Graham in which case he will incorporate treatment for ADHD into a bespoke treatment approach that is tailored to your needs.
What if I require urgent care?
Dr Graham does not provide an emergency or after hours service, but will endeavour to book you in for an urgent appointment if required.
If you’re in a crisis and your life is in danger, CALL 000.
If you’re in need of acute mental health support, please call the NSW Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511. This is staffed 24/7 by experienced mental health nurses who can arrange for a crisis team to urgently see you or direct you to your nearest emergency department.
If you would like urgent counselling services over the phone, here is a list of 24/7 services that provide over the phone counselling:
Open Arms (veterans and families) 1800 011 046
Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36
Lifeline 13 11 14
MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78
1800 RESPECT (188 737 732)
Suicide callback service 1300 65 94 67
Men’s Referral Service (men who use family violence) 1300 76 64 91
There are a number of other services that don’t run 24/7 - here is a non-exhaustive list:
Blue Knot Foundation (survivors of trauma) 1300 65 73 80
MindSpot Clinic (anxiety and depression) 1800 614 434
PANDA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia) 1300 72 63 00
QLife (LGBTQIA+) 1800 184 527
SANE Australia 1800 18 SANE (1800 18 7263)
Sexual assault, family and domestic violence line 1800 424 017
What if I require an admission to hospital?
Dr Graham has admitting rights to St John of God Hospital in Richmond. This is a private psychiatric hospital that admits patients with a range of mental illnesses and alcohol and substance use disorders. St John of God Richmond has a world-class inpatient trauma programme. If you are admitted under Dr Graham, he will see you at the hospital one to two times per week.
Should you require an admission to hospital, Dr Graham will discuss the details with you.
Will there be a gap?
Yes. Medicare will refund approximately $427.75 for an initial consultation with Dr Graham and $167.55 for subsequent standard consultations and psychotherapy. However, the gap will be smaller if you have reached your Medicare Safety Net threshold. This is important for weekly psychotherapy. Once you have reached the Medicare Safety Net threshold, the out-of-pocket expense will be about $46.45.
Is Dr Graham a registered NDIS provider?
No. As a medical doctor, Dr Graham bills through Medicare.
What is the difference between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist?
Both Psychiatrists and Psychologists are highly skilled mental health clinicians who often work together.
But there are three main differences between a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist:
Psychiatrists are medical doctors, whereas Psychologists are not;
This means that Psychiatrists can prescribe medication, whereas Psychologists cannot; and
Psychiatrists diagnose illness, manage treatment and provide a range of therapies for complex and serious mental illness, whereas Psychologists focus on providing psychotherapy to help patients.
Both Psychiatrists and Psychologists undergo extensive study and training. Some Psychologists have advanced doctorate-level degrees and so may be called Doctor. As medical doctors, Psychiatrists have studied a medical degree followed by prevocational medical training before pursuing specialty medical training. This provides a firm grounding in the treatment of both physical and mental illnesses, so Psychiatrists have a better understanding of the links between mental and physical health.
How long are the appointments?
The initial appointment is approximately 90 minutes to ensure that Dr Graham can thoroughly review your concerns and your personal and family history. This will ensure that he can develop a comprehensive treatment plan. Follow up appointments are generally 30 minutes to monitor progress with treatment. Psychotherapy sessions are all 50 minutes long.
Will I get a reminder for the appointment?
Yes. Our booking system routinely sends an appointment confirmation via text or email prior to your appointment, depending upon your preference. However, we cannot guarantee the successful delivery of reminders – it is the patient's responsibility to remember their appointment time.
Can I speak to Dr Graham on the phone?
No. Dr Graham has a busy clinic with other patients and devotes his time to them. His philosophy is that each patient has his full attention during their appointment and so he will not interrupt their time. If you have any specific questions, please book an appointment.
Can I get a letter, document, or Medical certificate?
If you requre proof of your appointment or any forms filled out, please discuss this with Dr Graham during your appointment. Medical certificates will be completed during the appointment. Letters and documents will require additional time to complete and may not be completed during your appointment.
Can another health professional contact Dr Graham for information?
Yes. Requests for information need to be made via email or fax with your written consent attached. We will only share the clinic letters or reports that have been completed during your consultation.